Fierce Solitude


A Life of John Gould Fletcher
Ben F. Johnson III
304 pages
978-1-55728-351-1 (cloth)
July 1994


This biography of John Gould Fletcher examines his Modernist work as poet and critic and his life as child, writer, husband, and lover. Fletcher moved in high literary circles, often causing confusion among his critics and followers with his writing—was he Imagist, Agrarian, or Modernist? Or was he simply John Gould Fletcher, the man, caught up in tumultuous times and events, seeking no particular label to pin on his writing, but rather reflecting the changing world as he saw and lived it?

“The intent of the series is to present the best of Fletcher’s writing along with a generous selection of critical studies concerning Fletcher’s life and work. It is to be hoped that the series will reawaken and stimulate interest in a writer who, almost forty years after his death, is becoming known as perhaps the most representative poet of American literary modernism.”

—Lucas Carpenter in the preface to Selected Poems of John Gould Fletcher

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